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Bouquet alternative ideas and the Teddy Bear Toss

The bouquet toss is another cheeky and fun moment during your wedding reception.

In the past, this moment was targeted at the single and unmarried women present at the wedding reception.

Tradition dictated that whoever caught the bridal bouquet would get married next.

In recent years, although most brides still go along with the traditional bouquet toss, there are some brides who are choosing not to toss their bouquet and instead give it to the couple that has been married the longest or to their grandparents or parents.

Some are even breaking up the bouquet in small bunches and giving it away to the people they who mean the most to them.



Another recent tradition that has been gaining in popularity is the Teddy Bear Toss.

As you might have guessed, this moment is specifically aimed at all the little ones present at your wedding.

You basically prepare cute teddy bears dressed in wedding attire and toss them to the kiddies at your wedding. It is not unheard of to see adults trying to catch the teddy bears too 🙂

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